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A timeless elegance

Pisa Orologeria


Pisa Orologeria

Luxury watches


The Pisa Orologeria case

Pisa Orologeria was born in the early 1900s from a passion for the art of watchmaking and has evolved from a small workshop to a modern family-owned company. It has been recognized as one of the top retailers in Europe for its tradition, expertise, and range of products offered. AC Consulting has been chosen to implement and enhance various sections of the website, as well as maintain and integrate the visual aspects.


European watchmaking excellence: Pisa Orologeria, innovation and precision in the digital world too

For Pisa Orologeria, one of the most important watchmakers in Europe, we handle the daily management and routine maintenance of the website, as well as the implementation of new sections dedicated to individual brands, like Rolex and Patek Philippe, with the creation of dedicated pages.
We have developed and managed the new PISA CIRCLE section, designed to create a catalog of products available in the boutique and to allow users to quickly receive the information they are interested in.
We have also built the BLOG section using modular templates.
We take care of adding texts and images, as well as the actual publication of the content.
Furthermore, we have connected the website to a professional management system by developing a WordPress plugin to update the prices and availability of high-end products in real-time.